Come and see our booth at the Fairhaven Homecoming Fair on June 24, 2017!

Updated on 6/17/17

Our new Tie-Dye T-Shirts are here. Click the image to enlarge.

Purchase them at our "Donate" page here.

Updated on 6/17/17

Dudley the Dragon Fundraiser

Click here to see the flyer.

10th Annual Robby Thatcher Memorial Fundraiser

Thank you to all who came to our Summer Fundraiser outdoors at the Seaport Inn. We were blessed with a beautiful day and it was wonderful to see all of you.

Thank you to the Seaport Inn for their continuous support of our fund, to Craig DeMelo who entertains for us yearly with his amazing music and is a major part of the Robby Thatcher Memorial Fund, there are no words Craig to express our gratitute (Chris Aguiar this goes to you too) and to Todd Casilli and Bob's Day Off for coming on board and continuing to rock the night way.

To the Robby Thatcher Memorial Fund Board, thank you all for all the work you put into this event.

Thank you to all the small businesses in the greater New Bedford area who continue to support our chinese auction and silent auction with gift certificates and prizes for our tables.

You are all a major part of our mission to help familes with cancer. We could not do this without the help of each and every one of you.

Click here to see the flyer.

Updated on 11/19/13


Thank you to Fairhaven High School Class of 2013 for their generous $250.00 donation to the Robby Thatcher Memorial Fund!

Thank you to Sidi Mateo and Lisa Fernandes of Collective Souls for donating all proceeds from their June Tea Leaf reading class to the Robby Thatcher Memorial Fund. Sidi took time from her vacation here from California to teach this class and Lisa opened up her amazing studio for us all to share in this experience.

We are humbled by the generosity of these amazing students and our dear friends.

Updated on 7/30/13

2013 Poetry Awards & Scholarships

Poetry Award FHS 2013
Winner - Jamaul Jones

Honorable Mentions - Peyton Tanguay; Veda Krol; Laura Medeiros; Hanna Christ; Victoria Perry; Alejandro de La Zerda; Maria Souza

FHS Scholarship Winners
Jarrid Antil
Sofia Cordeiro
Morgan Idebski

Updated on 7/30/13

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The Robby Thatcher Memorial Fund 2025